Tuesday, June 16, 2009

-SMANSA Malang, Riwayatmu Kini-

"Di sana ku melangkah
Dengan tujuan pasti
Di sana ku berbakti menuntut ilmu
Tempat aku di didik
Tempat aku dibina
Di sana sekolahku SMA 1.............." (mars mitreka satata)
Sesaat kaki melangkah seputaran tugu, pandanganku terpaku pada sosok penuh kenangangan, sekolahku, SMA-ku, Mitreka Satata-ku... (hiks... Sobar-ku, masihkah kau di sana...?)
18 tahun yang lalu kita dilepas, dalam suatu upacara wisuda yang penuh suka cita sekaligus haru dan bangga. Sejak saat itu kita melanglang buana mengejar asa dan cita kita...
Selang waktu berganti...
Kita telah berubah... Semua berubah... Sekolah kita tercinta juga telah berubah wajah...
Namun ada yang tetap abadi... Jiwa Mitreka Satata... selalu tertanam di dada...

-Photo: By R Triaswanto I-2/A1-1

Sunday, June 14, 2009


By Dite Aricatrini (I-2/A4)
At the last 6 month, I often saw reunion party was held at some places like restaurants, pools, malls, etc. I think this is a reunion phenomenon.

Some years a go, usually a reunion only occurred on special occasions like Idul Fitri day or wedding ceremony. Reunion is also known as the events for old man to meet their friend whom they’ve not meet for a long time. (At least 25-30 years after graduated from high school).

But, nowadays everyone do reunion in everywhere and every time. That is not only for the old man but even for teenager as well, who has just graduated from junior high school. Even, they have organized a reunion only 1 year after their graduation. What does it a phenomenon doesn’t it? I am pretty sure that this phenomenon is the great effect of a FACEBOOK! I just want to try to be a positive thinker, when I see this phenomenon. I feel so glad.

I hope in the future, everyone can make link again with their friend, family or even their enemy from the past to meets in a reunion and make something better for this world. I don’t know what kind event that will be used, maybe an “arisan” so they could make it as a regular event or gathered some donation for help their high school teacher or many others good reasons for better solution.

Thank God there is a connecting gadget named FACEBOOK, thanks to Mark Zuckerberg who created this facility.

For you who love FACEBOOK (FB) already, keep it through, but don’t forget to manage your time properly, remember that FB is NOT the most important thing in your life!
For everyone who doesn’t have time, it’s easy for you to meet someone. For them who don’t interest in it, just try it once in your lifetime, OK? and for them who don’t like it or even hate it, try to be a positive thinker, I wish you’ll realize that FACEBOOK is not as bad as you think.
Bekasi, 11 June 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009



Pasfest-Kuningan Jakarta, 29 Mei 2009.
Dikomandani oleh Triaswanto, rekan-rekan west kembali bertemu di Pasfest. Selain sebagai ajang refreshing, melepas penat weekend, acara ini juga membahas rencana konsep big R 91. Pada intinya west area siap mensupport dan terlibat langsung mendukung acara tersebut. Hasil lengkap, see millist & group FB.
Acara yang meski hanya di hadiri 5 orang, ternyata berlangsung sangat hueeeboh... hehehe... karena ternyata masing-masing orang membawa suara 10 orang rekan-rekan alumni.... Bayangkan seakan 50 orang teman lama bertemu.... wow...
Siapa saja mereka?......

'Saya bacakan pesanannya ya... ' hiks mas topi merah...

'Aiih, segarnya.... 1 orang 2 porsi tuh....'

'Kang Ocup, among the angles'